Why Does It Hurt in the Jaw after Getting a Crown?
Why Does It Hurt in the Jaw after Getting a Crown?
Blog Article
Crowns are common procedures for restoring damaged or weakened teeth and actually help protect the teeth and improve function; however, some patients may experience jaw pain for several days after this treatment. Knowing what may cause the pain can help ease discomfort or determine when to look for professional assistance.
Jaw Pain After Getting Dental Crowns: Reasons
✔ Bite Misalignment - The crown is not adequately fitted or is high; thus it can create uneven pressure for chewing and lead to discomfort in the jaw.
✔ Muscle Strain - Maintaining the mouth open during the procedures for an extended time could have strained the jaw muscles temporarily.
✔ Nerve Sensitivity - Another cause of sensitivity may include a deep filling or crown placement close to the tooth nerve causing discomfort.
✔ Inflammation or Irritation - The gums and adjacent tissues might become mildly inflamed due to the dental procedure and result in slight discomfort.
✔ TMJ Disorder - Dental procedures that last long with TMJ disorders might trigger pain or discomfort in the jaw.
How Long Does Jaw Pain Last?
???? Mild Discomfort (Few Days to a Week) - Most patients experience mild soreness that subsides after few days.
???? Bite Adjustment Needed (Up to Two Weeks) - Minor adjustments by the dentist might be needed whenever the crown is causing undue pressure.
???? Ongoing Pain (More than Two Weeks) - If the pain still continues after two weeks, the crown or the tooth underneath it may very well be a problem.; require further investigations.
How to Relieve Jaw Pain After a Dental Crown
✔ Warm Compress – Applying heat to the jaw can assist in relaxing muscle tension and soreness.
✔ Over-the-Counter Pain Relief – Taking medications such as ibuprofen or paracetamol may help with painful sensations.
✔ Soft Foods – Hard or chewy foods can place stress on the healing jaw, so avoid such food.
✔ Jaw Exercises – Gentle stretching and relaxation efforts may help relieve muscle and jaw tension.
✔ See your Dentist if Pain Persists - Make a dentist appointment if your jaw pain persists for over two weeks to assess bite adjustment or further investigations.
Getting professional help is important if you have jaw pain after a dental crown. We ensure that our patients at Smile Again Dental Clinic fit well and feel good. If you are looking for the Best Dentist Mumbai, schedule your appointment with us today for relief from the pain and expert assistance in addressing your dental problems.